Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Wordle of Encouragement (yeh cheesy title)

Today for Art we made wordles. 
Have you used before? Basically you type in a bunch of words then press go and it arranges them in a cool cloud shape. The bigger the words, the more often it has been used in the text you entered. fun.

After lunch we booked out the computer lab and I had each kid write their name in the wordle text box. We then rotated computers... 25 times and wrote a sentence describing what we like about that person.
I seriously thought that we would maybe have time to get to half of the computers, considering the age of my Year 3 & 4 kids, but they are incredible typers! I can't believe how fast they can type! (well some just wrote short things) 
At the end each child had a page of super nice things about themselves (as did I...see above). My favourite part was being able to write somethings I love about each of my kids. It does your heart so good to think about the positives of people doesn't it!
My second favourite thing was reading the cute things my kids wrote on mine (wish I had more time to edit it... not super happy with the colours or size of letters I picked, but there were a few frozen computers and printing issues to deal with). I love that the word 'superior' was used haha. 

At the end of the lesson my class unanimously voted that it was a great activity and couldn't stop talking about the things people had said about them. I love that every kid in my class could think of something nice about every other kid in my class! (even if it was just 'nice hair') I am so blessed to work with such cool kids.

PS... Yes we are learning the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dance! 
We even got the Year 4 class in on it. 51 kids. Yes I am crazy!
But they have already learnt the actions for SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC! We are more than half way after just 3 short practices! ha!

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